Sunday, April 28, 2024

New Aero working at Palmer Motorsports

It was great to finally get to my first track weekend this year. I ran with S2K Takeover and EMRA and it a blast. We had near perfect weather for two days. The new aero is working well and I dropped about 3 seconds from my previous visit late last year. 

Palmer Motorsports Park - 4-28-2024

The aero definitely made a big difference to the car. The rear felt super stable. I'd argue it's actually a bit too stable and now I have some extra understeering even with the splitter up front. I'm planning to now increase the rear spring rates a little bit to rebalance the car. I had to wait a few times for the front to tuck in for some of the tighter corners and that killed a ton of time.

I set my personal best at 1:54.7 which is decent but definitely not the pace that S2000s can achieve with a good driver so I've got some work cut out for me. I can't wait to come back with a better suspension setup and grippier tires.