Sunday, May 17, 2020

Broken Lock and Regular Maintenance

I seem to be having a string of bad luck with my cars recently. Even the most reliable of my cars, Bumblestook, made her presence known by having the lock switch snap when I tried to unlock it via the remote this morning. This is a very common failure in S2000s and is an easy fix. I already picked up a replacement and a spare so I'll get this sorted when I get

Broken Lock Switch - 5/17/2020
I also finally changed the oil and diff fluid after realizing I hadn't since April of last year. I only did one track day and a bunch of miles but still, one year is more than I want oil to sit in a car.

Dirty oil - 5/17/2020

Fresh Oil - 5/17/2020

Maintenance Updates:
- 6 qt Amsoil 10W-30
- 1 qt 80W140 Redline diff fluid