Thursday, September 19, 2019
Consolidating Blogs
Historically I've kept separate blogs for each car in the Steguis Motorsports fleet but that after a few years now that's started to make less sense. There's content I want to write about that's not specific to an individual car. New cars might get added and sometimes there's stuff going on between multiple cars so I decided to simply combine the blogs all into one place, all under the Steguis Motorsports flag.
If you're new here, then welcome, and if you're an old-time reader of my blogs, then I hope you'll find it convenient to see all the content in one place once and for all.
I've pretty much been in love with everything Numeric Racing makes ever since I got the Numeric Racing short shifter for the Cayman. The...
When I installed the DSC sport controller in February of last year, I accidentally grazed the seat cushion of my GT2 carbon seats with the...
Hardtops introduce some amount of wind and road noise into the cabin because they don't have any kind of liner. In the summer time they...