Monday, January 22, 2024

Rear Wiper Delete

I get why some people may want rear wipers but I've found it pretty useless on cars that don't actually see any time in extremely inclement weather. I decided to delete the rear wiper on the 944 even though I just replaced the wiper blade recently since it's just frankly so much cleaner looking with the small bonus of reducing some weight on the hatch assembly which is never a bad thing.

Rear wiper deleted

I got a wiper delete plug from Removing the rear wiper on the S2 is as simple as taking off a 10mm and 17mm nut, unplugging the connector off the motor and removing two screws that hold the motor in place. Once removed, you just clean the glass and screw in the plug and you're all set. 

Wiper blade removed
Motor electrically disconnected

Before shot